Open Knowledge in Turkey

Open Knowledge in Turkey

Today, there are no longer active Turkish representatives on the Open Knowledge Network. Do you want to reactivate it? Here's how to join.


Academician, data journalist, senior researcher, co-founder & president of AVVGD She is an Economics graduate, who later studied Journalism at the London School of Journalism. Since 2005, she continues to report both independent and dependent Journalism. She has taught Research and Data Journalism in the UK, U.S.A and Turkey in various institutions, and does research in the field of business data for an institution based in San Francisco. In addition, Pınar Dağ is the co-founder of Dağ Medya, an online newspaper which provides Data Journalism content in Turkish. She has spent over four years carrying out studies in the field for Data Journalism, and since 2013 Pinar has been lecturing at Kadir Has University in the New Media Department to senior students in Data Journalism training. Pinar also continues in different faculties of communication both internally and outside of Turkey. She translated the Open Source Data Journalism Handbook into Turkish with a team of 20 volunteers. Her Open Database of Deceased Workers in Turkey project was a finalist at Data Journalism Award 2015 (DJA2015) by Global Editors Network(GEN). Also Dağ Medya was a finalist at Data Journalism Award 2016 (DJA16), Data Journalism website of the year. At the end of 2015, Pinar and a team of six other established the Open Data and Data Journalism Association (School of Data Turkey) which was registered in Ankara, Turkey and organized (first Turkish MOOC about Open Data and Data Literacy Training), Data Camp and First National Open Data Conference and trained more than 400 hundred people.

Işıl Yarımoğlu

Işıl Yarımoğlu

Former Group Lead

Işıl Yarımoğlu is a New Media student at Kadir Has University. After taking Data Journalism class, she started working on open data. She is currently translating open data related content to Turkish, also working on a open data podcast project.

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