Open Knowledge in France

Open Knowledge in France

Open Knowledge France has been a local group since late 2012 open to all contributor of its activities. Its main project is l’Ecole des Données, the French version of School of Data. Besides, it runs a Public Domain Calculator, allowing anyone to determine if an artwork can be used without any limitation. It also aims at developing a Freedom of Information requests portal for helping citizens in their claims of public data.

Get in touch

Samuel Goëta is a researcher, a founding member of the French chapter of Open Knowledge and the co-founder of, a co-op whose mission is to open data and make them used and useful. His PhD dissertation in sociology looks at the hidden aspects of the emergence of the open data movement and analyses the invisible work and the frictions which forgoes the release of open data. Within Open Knowledge France, he is a major contributor to Ecole des Données (the French branch of School of Data) and manages press relations for the Open Data Index.

Le collectif Regards Citoyens est une association constituée de citoyens de tous âges et régions, tous bénévoles, qui se sont rencontrés sur Internet dans un désir commun de proposer un accès simplifié au fonctionnement de nos institutions démocratiques à partir des informations publiques.

Cédric Lombion

Cédric Lombion

Cédric is based in Bordeaux, France. As Lead of the School of Data programme, he was responsible for the design and coordination of a wide variety of data-driven projects. He has delivered projects with or provided expertise to institutions such as the World Bank, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the OECD or the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID). As a trainer, he has led training programmes across a variety of fields such as the oil, gas, mining industry, public procurement or journalism and regularly shares his expertise at international events including the International Anti-Corruption Conference, The International Open Data Conference and the Open Government Partnership Summit. Cédric also teaches data journalism to postgraduate students at the University of Bordeaux.

Cecile LeGuen

Cecile LeGuen

Based in Paris, Cécile manages projects, people or plannings and sometimes the three at a time. She worked as a project manager in a various number of environments, from the private sector to the public administration and recently at Open Knowledge International, where she was involved in the Open Spending project. She is specialised in open government issues as well as tracking and opening financial data. At Open Knowledge France, she is involved in the coordination of some local projects with École des Données.

Sylvia Fredriksson

Sylvia Fredriksson

Sylvia is designer, project coordinator at École de Données (School of Data France) and was member of the School of Data International Steering Committee (2016-2017). Her work is dedicated to civil society empowerment through design and technology. She now works as a designer-researcher at the Cité du Design in Sainte-Etienne, France. She specialised in Hypermedia at Paris 8 University and regularly teach design classes.

Pierre Chrzanowski is one of the co-founders and members of Open Knowledge France. He led the Public Domain Calculator project and has been active in École des Données, the French version of School of Data. Pierre is also working regularly as an open data consultant for the World Bank and has advised a number of Governments, notably including Burkina Faso, Sierra Leone, Haiti, Tunisia, Kenya, Ghana. He holds a Master degree in Information System Management from the University of Technology of Troyes and has also studied at the French Institute for International Relations and Strategic Affairs. Pierre is based close to Paris. In its free time, he likes mountain biking.

Samuel Azoulay

Samuel Azoulay

Samuel Azoulay is a communication consultant at Spintank, an online corporate communication agency. He previously worked at the Paris Region as a open data project manager, building up the open data strategy. During his political science studies, he completed a thesis on the relation between open data and open government, focusing on France's strategy. Within Open Knowledge France, he contributed in particular to the launch of Ecole des Données (the French branch of School of Data) and is very interested in the development of Open Spending.

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