Board Meeting Minutes, February 2024

A meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) Board was held via video call on Wednesday 7th of February 2024  from 18:40 - 19:30

Board members who dialled in: Vanessa Barnett (VEB) (Chair), Helen Turvey (HT) (Vice Chair), Ira Bolychevsky (IB), Tim Hubbard (TH)

Observers: Renata Avila (RA) (CEO), Cassandra Woolford (CW) (DOF)

Apologies: Johnny West (JW)


Welcome & review of minutes & actions [Chair]

Minutes from September and December board meetings were approved.


CEO Update [RA]

In February, OKFN was represented by the international network coordinator, Sara Petti at the EU Open Source Policy Summit held in Brussels. This was followed by FOSDEM 2024 where Sara Petti delivered a presentation about ‘updating open data standards’.

OKFN confirmed one year funding for a new tool called Open Data Editor, the project requires some new recruits which will bring a new perspective to the tool. 

OKFN is launching a new pilot program scheme to engage with six regional coordinators to enhance the network activities with general outreach, fundraising and public education. 

The published communications are now shared  consistently in four languages, English, Spanish, Portuguese and French.

Open Data Day has now been decentralised, with fundraising support from four organisations and the mini grant selection process shared amongst more of the network. Over 200 applications have been received, with lots of registrations for events, self organised and self funded events happening globally.

There are currently two proposals with potential clients awaiting a decision and work continues with cultivation for potential grant applications.

OKFN is submitting a proposal for a policy briefing for the G20.  For the G7, a policy brief was accepted, it will be published together with other organisations and we are participating actively in both the high level political panel on sustainable development and process and global digital compact process. 

We are planning that the network meeting will take place on the sidelines of Wikimedia which is going to take place in Poland

Following the discussions at the end of 2023, the documentation for the sale of the shares for the remaining portion of Viderum Inc t/a Datopian has now been finalised and is awaiting signature.  The process continues smoothly. 


Finance Update [CW]

Draft YE2023 were presented. As predicted OKFN closes with a loss. 

The reserves balance as agreed at the previous board meeting was reduced to  reflect the smaller team and running costs of the organisation. 

The year end audit is scheduled for April, with expected sign off at the next board meeting. 

The updated cashflow runway was shared, which incorporates active contracts as well as the expected income from the sale of the shares. 

A high level refresher of the approved budget for 2024 



A process needs to be formalised for the recruitment of new board members, for a diverse and varied approach to the work of OKFN. The board requested that the CEO and Director of Operations and Finance consider what skills and experience they think are required to help support the organisation, also the areas where OKFN is moving towards. 

The Board will carry out a governance health audit to help make decisions and next steps.