Board Meeting Minutes, September 2024

A meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKF) Board was held via video call on Wednesday 11th September 2024 from 18:30 - 19:45

Board members who dialled in: Helen Turvey (HT) (Vice Chair), Ira Bolychevsky (IB) , Tim Hubbard (TH)
Observers: Renata Avila (RA) (CEO), Cassandra Woolford (CW) (DOF)
Apologies: Vanessa Barnett (VEB) (Chair), Johnny West (JW)

Welcome & review of minutes & actions [Chair]

The minutes of the previous meeting were approved. It was noted that a better process for capturing and following up actions needs to be introduced, as actions, activities and events are being missed. It was agreed that an actions list will be introduced via an Actions Tracker. 

The board expressed its interest in gathering together in person for the last meeting of the year, on a different date than the one originally suggested, due to incompatibilities with some schedules. A Doodle poll will be sent to arrange a date. Venue and agenda will follow. 

A request was made to change the virtual meeting start time to 19:00. The 2025 meetings have been scheduled, and calendar invitations will be sent. 

CEO Update [RA]

RA updated the board on the summer activities that took place, including consolidating a leadership role in the movement, collaborating with other organisations for a coordinated ecosystem deployed within the communities, and gaining institutional clarity in relation to the ‘tech we want’ project. 

A new initiative was started by a new OKFN network member, Open Knowledge Ghana. The initiative, Open Goes COP, is an online movement advocating openness in the UN climate change conference. Led by OKFN and the Open Data Charter, bringing together many Open organisations to understand how to impact the COP process and climate change efforts.

Early August saw a pack of three events, including the OKFN Wikimania side event ‘common(s) cause’ and the OKFN Network Face to Face, followed by the three-day Wikimania conference. During the Wikimania conference, OKFN led three sessions: one connected to Open goes COP, one showcasing the Network efforts, and the final one sharing Open Data Editor and Frictionless Data.

The Network meeting was a success and an opportunity to check in on the network's health. There was clarity surrounding the collective priorities. Despite not all willing members being able to join the meeting due to visa issues, their thoughts and opinions will be integrated into the outputs and projects moving forward. The Open Knowledge Network formed an international group that attended the Wikimania event as a collaborative team.   RA will share the report once it is complete.

RA updated the board about an umbrella of initiatives called the Tech We Want, aiming to consolidate a tech stack of open, long-lasting and affordable technologies that are good enough to solve small organisations problems to truly democratise Data and AI. OKFN is applying this to their work and guiding our clients to cleaner and simpler technology approaches. On the 17th October OKFN will hold an online summit to explore technology and how to further this vision. There will be fund raising activity to continue the work into 2025.

For Policy work, papers were published for G20, and during September, OKFN will be present in New York attending the UN Summit for the Future. Other activities are taking place to keep conversations going and ensure we have a voice and can input into conversations and actions. 

Continued activity is taking place to submit proposals for Grant and procurement work. New relationships are being cultivated with various funders. There was also two successful client renewal contracts. 

A funder in the US, submitted a requested for OKFN to renew the certificate for US Charitable status, 501c equivalency determination, OKFN is currently awaiting the outcome. 

A suggestion from the community was to include a CKAN specialist to the Board. To be discussed further at the F2F meeting, or in January 2025. 

FCDO replied in reference to the Sanction list, they advised that they considered it not to be a problem for OKFN. Their standardised communication confirmed that their advice was not to travel and not to have any relations with Russia.

The board asked for an update on the project being carried out by the University of Pittsburgh in relation to the CKAN Association. RA confirmed that they have started the 2nd cycle, with suggestions of a meeting next year with various stakeholders.

Finance Update [CW]

Minimal finance updates. Deficit is shrinking, with core spend at it’s minimum and in line with the budget.

Two projects have completed during summer, and two more will close by the end of the year, which should result in the forecasted year end financial position as expected.


Information was shared about Open Boards Summit - hosted by Open Boards.

Actions List

Start a Board Actions Tracker
Ira stated there were typos in the last set of minutes. 
Modelling activity with Johnny
A monthly email with action reminders
F2F in December - preferred - doodle poll
Send Calendar invites to the Board for 2025 meetings
RA to share the Network F2F report
RA to share the Tech We Want program.
RA will try to meet with Arcadia in December to discuss the 2026 core funding
Board members - Community member CV’s to be shared
Cashflow update to be sent via email. 
Updated pipeline to be circulated