Board Meeting Minutes, July 2015

A meeting of the Open Knowledge Foundation board was held at 6.30pm to 8.30pm in London on Thursday 8th July 2015.


  • Present: Karin Christiansen, Paula Ledieu (phone), Tim Hubbard, Helen Turvey (phone)

  • Observing: Pavel Richter, Rufus Pollock, Martin Tisne

  • Apologies: Jane Silber, James Casbon, Tom Cobbold



Minutes of the Previous Meeting

The Minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Actions were reviewed and outstanding actions noted.

Review of Finances and Audit Update

  • Audit is progressing well and looks to be on schedule for September delivery.

  • Summary of finances so far indicates continuing revenue growth YoY and a small surplus this last year

  • Plan to move to a quarterly analysis complemented by most recent monthly update where available

Projects Update

The CEO and President gave an overview of current projects and their status.

CEO Update

  • Onboarding has gone well

  • Rufus’ role moving forward. This has been discussed by Pavel, Rufus and Karin and all are in strong agreement. Plan is for Rufus to move to move to a non-executive role in relatively near-term and continue to be active as a spoke-person and representative for Open Knowledge and “open knowledge” on an ongoing basis.

Board Membership

  • James Casbon is stepping down as a Board member. James has been in discussions with us Chair over last year about stepping back due to external commitments and James will now be stepping down. Board thank James for substantial contribution over many years and wish him well.

  • Tom Cobbold has also taken on additional commitments and finds himself stretched in finance responsibility and will be stepping down. Has done a sterling job over the last couple of years and we thank him for all his contributions.

  • Chair and CEO will look at board needs and prepare a role description for circulation


End of Board Minutes