Board Meeting Minutes, May 2013
A meeting of the Board of Directors of the Open Knowledge Foundation was held at 6:30pm GMT on 14th May 2013 at Mozilla, 3rd Floor, 101 St Martin's Lane, Covent Garden, London and online in a Google Hangout
In person: Rufus Pollock, Karin Christiansen, Paula le Dieu, James Casbon, Martin Keegan (from part way through the management accounts item),
Observing in person: Laura James, Martin Tisne
Attending remotely: Ben Laurie
Apologies: Jane Silber
In attendance from the auditors, Buzzacott: Vikram Sandhu (for introductions and management accounts items only)
Karin Christiansen was introduced and welcomed. Karin was then appointed as interim board chair for the next 3 months.
The board thanked Rufus Pollock for many years of service as board chair. Becky Hogge’s contribution to the board over the years was also recognised and thanks were sent remotely, following her recent resignation from the board.
Vikram Sandhu from Buzzacott was present for this item. Buzzacott were introduced as the new auditors.
Management accounts including balance sheet and profit and loss were presented, and the audited annual accounts to May 2012 were discussed. It was noted that the accounts to May 2011 had not been audited.
Preparation for the upcoming year end, and enhanced budgeting and forecasting was discussed.
The minutes and actions were reviewed.
Laura James and Rufus Pollock introduced a deck and update about strategy development. The direction of the strategy was approved and the leadership team will continue to refine the strategy.
An update on this opportunity was presented and discussed. It was agreed that the leadership team could proceed with discussions with the other party.
An update on the operating plan was presented. Potential future metrics, and the ways in which they should be set, were discussed.