accessible to everyone
This service is a perfect fit if you......are trapped in a closed technology that creates dependency ...want to know if there is an open solution to a problem you need to solve ...want to open yourself to collaboration with a community of your interest |
Your team’s required level of knowledge:Low |
Embracing free software (and open knowledge in general) has many benefits. It promotes transparency and participation by allowing collaboration and external control. In addition, the collaborative nature of open communities enables innovation, promotes entrepreneurship and democratises knowledge.
Learn more about all advantages of going open ↗
Typically, an assessment of an organisation's digital infrastructure is a 3-stage project, during which we will work closely with you:
One of the principles of Open Knowledge is sustainability, so we will never make you dependent on us. We want to make sure that your project is sustainable over the years, i.e. that you understand what you have at hand at the moment and what the next steps are for adopting an open infrastructure. For this reason, we recommend that you combine this service with the following offerings.
Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) is the world’s ultimate reference in open digital infrastructures and the hub of the open movement. As a global not-for-profit, we have been establishing and advocating for open standards for the last 20 years. We provide services, tools and training for institutions to adopt openness as a design principle.
OKFN is the technology arm of a wide range of institutions creating, managing and publishing open data. Our most popular product, CKAN, is the tool behind open data portals such as those of the US, Brazilian and Indian governments, and the UN refugee agency.
Our tools follow our vision of simple, sustainable and open-by-design technology. We intentionally design processes, policies, standards and protocols so that anyone can freely access, use, modify, and share for any purpose.
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