accessible to everyone
With input from the open knowledge community, we created a draft Open Service Definition - and established an Advisory Council to maintain and develop the material on okfn.org. A draft Guide to Open Data Licensing was published, and our work in this area fed into the development of new legal tools for making data open.
In addition to a great line up of speakers at OKCon 2009, we started a local group in London, and hosted a hands-on workshop on open-source visualisation technologies.
We had the pleasure of welcoming Jordan Hatcher and Prodromos Tsiavos to our Executive Group and Dr Sören Auer to our Advisory Board.
An enormous thank you to all of you who have participated in discussions and events, contributed to projects, helped with bits of code and cunning suggestions, and have otherwise donated time, space, and energy to keeping the Foundation ticking - we're powered on your input and ideas!
The Open Knowledge Foundation<<BR>> May 2008 # Events and Activities ## OKCon 2008:
This year's annual Open Knowledge Conference, OKCon 2008, took place on 15th March at London School of Economics. The event brought together individuals and groups from across the open knowledge spectrum for a day of seminars and workshops. Speakers included:
Jordan Hatcher also launched the Public Domain Dedication & License (PDDL) at the event - a legal tool to make data open, specifically taking into account rights in data such as the European Database Directive.
Audio, images and slides are available at the Post-Event Information page.
We organised an informal, hands-on workshop for those who work with, or are interested in, open-source visualisation technologies - which took place at Trampoline Systems. There were talks and demos from:
In addition to the Cambridge open knowledge local group, a group was established in London with 44 people. The first meeting was held in the London Knowledge Lab.
We participated in numerous events throughout the UK and Europe, including:
The Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN) - a registry for open knowledge packages and projects - was launched in July 2007. Version 0.5 was released in February 2008 and in April 2008 it was featured in the Read Write Web article "Where to Find Open Data on the Web". By May 2008 there were 180 user contributed packages.
KForge, the suite of tools for managing software and knowledge projects, went into version 0.13 in August 2007 and 0.14 in September 2007. The KnowledgeForge service, which runs on KForge, hosts over 50 projects.
In December 2007, the OKF responded to the Library of Congress report on the 'Future of Bibilographic Control' making the case that they should promote open licensing for bibliographic metadata. Over 150 groups and individuals co-signed the response, including:
We have continued to monitor policies and developments in this area and to promote open licensing and liberal terms of use for bibliographic data.
In June 2007, the Foundation launched a Guide to Open Data Licensing - which examined legal options for data in different jurisdictions, and included input from the OAK Law Project at Queensland University of Technology.
In July 2007, we wrote about the need for an Open Service Definition, which sparked discussions leading to a first draft in September.
In December 2007, Science Commons launched its Protocol for Implementing Open Access Data - which refers to the Open Knowledge Definition (OKD). CC0 and the Public Domain Dedication & License were also announced - both of which are OKD comformant.
February 2008 saw the launch of an Advisory Council to maintain and develop the Definitions and associated material found on the Open Definition site, which included:
The Open Knowledge Definition was translated into Danish, Polish, Catalan, Spanish and Basque. 'Open Knowledge' and 'Open Data' buttons are now used by a wide variety of open projects - including Crystal Eye, Geocoder US, DBpedia, AMEE, Govtrack, Quotations Book, DBTune, NPEmaps, Languages of the World, (lingvoj), the Prelinger Archives, Musicbrainz, and the omdb.
In November 2007 we started the Open Environmental Data project, which aims to document public domain and other freely reusable environmental datasets. The project aims to provide an overview of relevant research organisations, data distributors and free/open source software, as well as summarising law and policies specifically pertaining to environmental data.
Work commenced on digitising the 1911 article on Shakespeare in the Encyclopaedia Britannica. In April 2008 there was a Mini Hackathon on Open Shakespeare and its new sister site, Open Milton.
The Open Text Book project - a registry of open textbook - was launched in June 2007. By April 2008 it contained details on over 40 books.
In June 2007 we released a list of composers whose work has fallen into the public domain - extracted from donated datasets. August 2007 saw the alpha launch of Public Domain Works. In October the project joined the Internet Archive's Open Library project.
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008
March 2008 * Catalan and Spanish Translations of the Open Knowledge Definition * Basque Translation of the Open Knowledge Definition * OKCon 2008
April 2008 * COST A32 Meeting * Open Knowledge London Meetup * Open Shakespeare Hackathon # People
Executive Group * Saul Albert * Jonathan Gray * Jordan Hatcher * Rufus Pollock * Prodromos Tsiavos * Jo Walsh
Board of Directors * Rufus Pollock * Martin Keegan * James Noyes * Natasha Phillips
Advisory Board * Dr Sören Auer * Dr Tim Hubbard * Paula Le Dieu * Benjamin Mako Hill * Dr Peter Murray-Rust * Professor John Naughton * Professor Peter Suber * John Wilbanks
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