The Tech We Want

The Tech We Want
Our technological vision is committed to a fair, sustainable and open future

In recent years, technology has taken a complex, wasteful and expensive approach to achieving its purpose. The way software is developed and technology solutions are designed, coded and deployed is not climate-friendly, accessible and sustainable. Similarly, public interest technology often leaves its beneficiaries with limited choices. They would either adopt a free version of complex software that they do not really need, or invest significant amounts of money in technology projects that aim to match their commercial competitors. While there are many efforts to support critical components on which the Internet and today's technology are built, our proposal is to review how technology in the public interest is made today and try to propose a new way of thinking about the technologies we want and need

From conception to adoption, the Tech We Want project is a conversation for developers and tech leaders to come together, question and challenge the current way of doing things, and begin to envision a more fair, sustainable and open way that serves people and the planet better. 

Awareness is growing and we have an opportunity to bring together all the scattered conversations around this issue and move towards meaningful change.

Our Approach

Better together Start a debate about the impact of developer decisions by bringing together the community of developers working on public interest technologies.
Problem-solving mindset Dig deeper and gain a better understanding of the problem-solving methods, implications and approaches that need to be considered when developing technologies that have been left outside the developer world.
Tangible alternatives Start using different metrics, community practices and guidelines to change the way we do technology.

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